Vida Is a sexological bodywork practitioner, somatic sex educator and sex professional. With a passion for embodied learning, ritual, transgression, storytelling and play. Vida works with groups and one on one with anyone who wishes to explore their eroticism in a safety and consent focused environment.
David has taught erotic embodiment to clients and groups for the last eight years, and has been a client of sexological bodywork for more than a decade. He is a Certified Somatic Sex Educator and former president of the SSEAA, with special interests in the body-mind, erotic motivations, sex education ethics, mid-life sexual expression, and expanding orgasmicity.

The Chrysalis (Co-facilitated with David Thornby)
Chrysalis is an immersive ritual inviting you to explore the spectacular mystery of the life cycle of the butterfly. The caterpillar emerges, feeds, grows, and undergoes a series of sheddings. The final shedding becomes its cocoon. Within the cocoon the caterpillar dissolves into a rich soup before undergoing its final metamorphosis and emerging transformed.
The wonder of this process is that the caterpillar, despite dissolving into splendid goo, always contained the cellular knowledge of its final form.
The Chrysalis is a ritualistic communal sensory experience, engaging through story and imaginative play. You are invited to experience transformation and self-exploration through the lens of the caterpillar's story.