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Year of training:


Related qualification:

Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Certified EFT Tapping

How many and what type of workshops/classes have you previously facilitated?

Cacao Ceremonies - 100+
Somatic Sexology Workshops - I'm guessing about 50+
These have varied from Self Pleasure, Vulva Appreciation, Slowing the Fuck Down, Embodied Consent, Optimising Hormone Health through the Wheel Of Consent and Recalibration Ritual, Oral Sex, Nervous System Regulation

What qualities do you bring to your facilitation?

Warmth, presence, safety, heart, authenticity, integrity, openness, inclusivity

What relevant skills and experience/qualifications do you have in addition to Sexological Bodywork?

Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, ISTA I & II, Assisted ISTA Level I, Master Your Pleasure with Elaine Yonge, Shamanic Womb Journey with Janine Ma-Ree, Certified in EFT Tapping

Facilitator Bio

Kate is a Somatic Sexologist, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Certified EFT Tapping, ISTA I & II (International School Temple Arts), Master Your Pleasure and Shamanic Womb Graduate, Landmark Graduate, Author and Workshops Facilitator. She has the training and experience to support you in regulating your nervous system, reclaiming self empowerment and embodying more peace, love, freedom and pleasure.

Kate is very passionate about empowering people to thrive in love, health, intimacy, relationships and life!

She offers sex and relationship coaching, embodied therapy and somatic education to individuals and couples. Kate also enjoys facilitating workshops for groups of people.

Kate combines many years of experience in fitness, health, healing, breathwork, bodywork, transformation, plant medicines and the shamanic arts to create a unique transmission that inspires, enlivens and awakens. She is an engaging speaker with a natural passion for sharing interesting stories, references and rich personal experiences. Kate loves bridging the gap between spirituality and science by delivering her understanding and wisdom within a practical context that inspires, motivates, and awakens new perspectives.

Workshop 1 Name:

Regulate Your Nervous System and Thrive!

# of participants:


Workshop 1 duration:

90 Minute Workshop

Equipment needed:

PowerPoint Projector, Cushions, Whiteboard

Workshop 1's Intention:

In this workshop participants:
-Learn about nervous system “regulation” and “dis-regulation”
-Understand what causes dis-regulation and stress
-Understand the impact of not learning how to regulate your nervous system
-Learn how to read the signals your body is giving you when you’re “activated”
-Discover and experience how to feel regulated, peaceful, grounded and safe
-Learn how to cultivate and embrace emotional stability and increased self confidence
-Learn somatic practices to calm a ruminating mind and repurpose your “Protectors”
-Receive helpful somatic tools and resources that you can implement in your day-to-day life
-Explore the most effective somatic practices to help you regulate your nervous system, cultivate a peaceful mind, optimal health, vitality, longevity, harmonious relationships, great sex and be thriving in all areas of life!

Workshop 1 rough format:

We'll begin with an embodiment practice.
Followed by a little study of Regulation Vs Dis-Regulation, Activated Vs Neutral, Self-Regulation Vs Co-Regulation, the Polyvagal Theory, Pleasure Zone (8 level model linked to human development), Breathwork, Regulation via the anus, and Emotional Freedom Techniques.
I'll then ask the participants how regulated they're feeling out of 10 - 10/10 being the highest feeling of regulation.
From there I'll guide them through a series of Self-Regulation Practices and have them check back in with themselves and how Regulated they're feeling after each practice.
Self-Regulation Practices Include: Body Scan, Belly Breaths, Belly & Lung Breaths, Breath with rocking movements, Breath with sighing on exhale, Breath with sighing and shaking, Breathwork 30:30 Up Vs Down Regulated Breathing (repeat 5 times).
I'll ask them to pair up and reflect with each other what they experienced before a group reflection/share.
I'll then invite them to explore a Liberate a Ruminating Mind Practice which involves observing the cyclical story that's playing out, validate the emotion/label it, release the emotional if needed through Emotional Freedom Techniques (punching or screaming into a pillow, hip thrusting the ground), then reassure Self with the inner Parent/Protector.
Another group reflection after this exercise.
To finish I'll invite them to explore EFT Tapping with me to feel more embodied, contained, clear and strong for the festival and beyond.

I'd love to offer this workshop on the first day of the festival and then to offer a follow up optional session for those who want to check back in with what they're noticing, learning, and offer further support and guidance with Self-Regulation Practices if needed.

Workshop 1 program description:

Nervous system dis-regulation can be the root cause of many health issues including chronic pain, autoimmune issues, gut disorders, hormonal disharmony, depression and anxiety. If you’re dis-regulated, you might find yourself feeling hyper-vigilant, overwhelmed, numb, flat or disconnected. You may also experience struggles with pleasure and relationships.

During these dynamic times, it's important to have simple & effective somatic tools that support you in bringing your nervous system back into a regulated and calm state. In this workshop you’ll learn the scientific rationale AND also the practical exercises. You’ll be equipped with the most effective somatic practices, breathwork techniques and exercises to help you regulate your nervous system, cultivate feelings of safety, a peaceful mind, optimal health, vitality, longevity, harmonious relationships and be thriving in all areas of life!

Workshop 2 Name:


# of participants:


Workshop 2 duration:

1 Hour Morning Practice/Offering, 90 Minute Workshop, 2 Hour Workshop, Evening Experience

Equipment needed:


Workshop 2's Intention:


Workshop 2 rough format:


Workshop 2 program description:


Workshop 3 Name:


# of participants:


Workshop 3 duration:

1 Hour Morning Practice/Offering, 90 Minute Workshop, 2 Hour Workshop, Evening Experience

Equipment needed:


Workshop 3's Intention:


Workshop 3 rough format:


Workshop 3 program description:


Are you interested in/able to facilitate any other group experiences?

Yes, I can definitely be available for check in circles.

EO: Support space / info booth:

I'm available for emotional support and info booth - as many hours as needed.

Is there anything else that you would like us to know as organisers?

I've applied for only one workshop as Self-Regulation and empowering others with these tools feels even more alive within me since recent events. My passion and purpose pulsates through this workshop.

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We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work, live, love and play.
We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We recognise, celebrate and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First Australians. We acknowledge their unique wisdom and cultural and spiritual relationships to the land and waters, as we strive for equality and accessibility in education.

©2023 by FEAST Unlimited.

A Blue Fairy Design Solution

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