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Year of training:

Related qualification:

How many and what type of workshops/classes have you previously facilitated?

Sam has been bumping around the sexy education space for five or so years. Throughout this time they have trained with some of the best in the business - Deej and Uma, Betty Martin, Barbara Carrellas and Ellen Heed to name just a few, and have been lucky enough to be invited by more experienced and illustrious elders to come into teaching and facilitation roles. This includes offering erotic embodiment classes as part of 4EE, being part of the faculty of the new Interactive Erotic Educator Training and assisting on the Sexological Bodywork Intensive.

So what can you expect with Sam? While of course changing moment to moment, their offerings have a throughline of existential embodied exploration, coming back to cosmic absurdity, unflinching interpersonal engagement, sacred silliness and a willingness to try new things imperfectly.

Come along to their workshops to remember that you already have everything you need.

What qualities do you bring to your facilitation?

What relevant skills and experience/qualifications do you have in addition to Sexological Bodywork?

Facilitator Bio

Sam has been bumping around the sexy education space for five or so years. Throughout this time they have trained with some of the best in the business - Deej and Uma, Betty Martin, Barbara Carrellas and Ellen Heed to name just a few, and have been lucky enough to be invited by more experienced and illustrious elders to come into teaching and facilitation roles. This includes offering erotic embodiment classes as part of 4EE, being part of the faculty of the new Interactive Erotic Educator Training and assisting on the Sexological Bodywork Intensive.

So what can you expect with Sam? While of course changing moment to moment, their offerings have a throughline of existential embodied exploration, coming back to cosmic absurdity, unflinching interpersonal engagement, sacred silliness and a willingness to try new things imperfectly.

Come along to their workshops to remember that you already have everything you need.

Workshop 1 Name:

Cosmosis: You are the Universe Playing with Itself.

# of participants:


Workshop 1 duration:

Equipment needed:

Workshop 1's Intention:

We will offer practices that connect participants to a sense of cosmic pleasure through explorations of ecstatic expansion and attending to subtle singularities embedded in all sensory experience.
We will devote our practice to celebrating the exquisite nature of aliveness, as beings made of eternal star stuff.
Our intentions are
For participants to come away with a felt sense of the essential nature of all things: love.
For participants to feel atomised and infinitesimally alive.
For participants to reorientate senses to cosmic bliss.
For participants to celebrate their aliveness.
For participants to have an experience of being deeply connected as they play as separate beings.

Workshop 1 rough format:

We will use the ESA(R) model to invite participants into connection with cosmosis.

Experiencing expansion and contraction in your body
With breath
With heart
With cells, densities inside the body
Spaciousness inside

Feel for edges in own body expanding outwards
Light/love frequencies

Yedidya question
“What’s your most beneficial belief?”

Feeling for erotic energy as the fundamental force of creation, how the Universe Creates itself.
How might we connect to this in our own erotic practice?
How can we invite the movement of the universe into our present moment embodied experience?
How can we invite the sound of the universe into our present moment embodied experience?
How do we breathe the universe through us?
How might we maintain connection to cosmosis while present to subtle sensation in our bodies?
Another question in small groups:
“What felt like a cosmic opening?”

Building the Multiverse
Inviting participants into an atomic state, setting up a solid liquid gas exploration.
Everyone is an atom.
Participants are offered a system signalling what state they are open to moving into and whether they are open to a touch engagement.
Solids are open to physically connecting with others - cuddle puddle, other body contact. Movement is slow/ still.
Liquid atoms may have transient contact here is contact, but it’s moving.
Gas is an excited fast moving state, but no contact with other atoms.
Possibility of entraining to the frequency of another near or far

Solo installation followed by group reflection

Workshop 1 program description:

We invite you into the PleasureVerse. We all exist as infinite love in finite bodies.
The Universe is always calling us to love, to open to love, to surrender to love, to seek love & give love. Each of us is imbued with extraordinary capacity for experiencing.

We are how the universe plays with itself.
This workshop will offer embodied exploration of metaphysical and existential questions. An opportunity to engage in devotional practice celebrating cosmic connection. Cultivate your erotic energy, the fundamental creative force of the universe, connect to pleasure and curiosity as your cosmic compass.

Workshop 2 Name:

Fucking in the Shadows

# of participants:


Workshop 2 duration:

Equipment needed:

Workshop 2's Intention:

The intention of this workshop is for participants to experience erotic embodiment of archetypes.

To explore how fantasy might be invited to move from their minds into their embodiment.
To feel into how relational allusions and meaning making play with the felt sense and flavour of erotic encounters.
To bring what is outside the wheel of consent inside it within a scaffolded sequence of practices that support safe engagement.

Workshop 2 rough format:


Guided embodiment piece to embody various energetic/ emotional states.
Introduction of non verbal yeses and nos.
I want game and sharing a fantasy.


Small and big group discussion.

Emotional aphrodisiacs
Power and rank
Being something other than yourself
Secret inner lives.

Practice non verbal three minute game.

What was that like?


Group erotic embodiment. Three circles? Space holding outer, self practice inner, inside is interactive where the ribbons dictate the quadrant each person is in and whether they are light or dark (whatever that means, however the participants want to activate this valence internally).

Black/ white ribbons for light/dark roles
Four different colours for four quadrants.

In the inside circle participants can approach anyone. There are no banned combos. Take and take, serve and serve, allow, allow, accept, accept. What. Fun.


Group debrief and discussion.

Workshop 2 program description:

Fucking in the shadows - who is it for when we don’t know who’s who?

This workshop asks:

What happens when we invite fantasy into our erotic embodiment?

How can we bring mystery and darkness in while staying in consent?

Come along to get geeky about turning the wheel of consent inside out.

Workshop 3 Name:

The Nap Orgy

# of participants:


Workshop 3 duration:

Equipment needed:

Workshop 3's Intention:

To invite participants into a group resting practice that encourages the eroticising of effortlessness and ease. This workshop intends for participants to resource themselves by doing less, to find pleasure in idleness.

The intention is to connect participants with a lineage of black liberation philosophy and practice that reclaims bodily sovereignty and enoughness through sanctifying unproductivity and dreaming.

Workshop 3 rough format:


Coming into being with stillness.
What is your relationship with rest?
What supports you to rest?

Group discussion of where rest sits in the culture. Hustle and grind culture. Productivity pressure. Never being enough.
Rest is a dorsal state of social engagement. Evolutionarily it would have required a lookout to surrender to rest. It is a state of deep trust, connectedness and safety. This is why we are having a nap orgy. It is a deeply erotic practice.
Introducing the philosophical underpinnings of the practice.
Black liberation
Pleasure activism
Rest as reparations

Guided practice where participants are invited to find what rest looks like for them in this moment.
Self massage
Slow movement with another
Self pleasure practice
Whatever it is, make it feel effortless.
Overlay of readings and quotes from the canonical voices on this topic.
Tricia Hersey
Audre Lorde
Octavia butler
Adrienne maree brown

Small group reflection and future intending
Big group coming together to close.

Workshop 3 program description:

The Nap Orgy offers an experience of rest as erotic practice.

Leave the shackles of hustle culture and perpetual productivity at the door and allow yourself to ease into collective convalescence.

Let the pleasure of non-doing be your guide as you succumb to the energetic lullaby and sensual swaddling of effortlessness.

Are you interested in/able to facilitate any other group experiences?

EO: Support space / info booth:

Is there anything else that you would like us to know as organisers?

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We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work, live, love and play.
We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We recognise, celebrate and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First Australians. We acknowledge their unique wisdom and cultural and spiritual relationships to the land and waters, as we strive for equality and accessibility in education.

©2023 by FEAST Unlimited.

A Blue Fairy Design Solution

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