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Live Lush



Year of training:


Related qualification:

Certificate in Sexological Bodywork

How many and what type of workshops/classes have you previously facilitated?

I’ve presented about 25-30 times including various festivals and retreats around Australia and online. Workshops have ranged from partner (re)engagement, deep intimacy rituals (guided genital massage), oral sex masterclasses, exploring arousal, discussions on different relationship styles ENM & Polyamory, facilitated consent workshops in the lead up to temple nights & play spaces and created & presented content for the Southern Men’s Gathering. I was to present at Sexpo recently, until it went into receivership.
Festivals & retreats hold a special place in my heart – attending them was what first introduced me to the sex-positive community and then wanting to learn, teach and facilitate. I find these spaces energizing and rewarding.

Live Lush

What qualities do you bring to your facilitation?

While I recognize how the nature of this work can often require serious focus and intention, I like to use a little humour to help lighten up and break the ice, so my style could be described as approachable, warm and relaxed.
I’m happy to draw from my own experiences to illustrate examples, even (or especially?) if its at my expense and helps participants open up or relax.

What relevant skills and experience/qualifications do you have in addition to Sexological Bodywork?

I’m a graduate of the Urban Tantra Professional Training Program
I also have many years of experience as a semi-professional and exhibited boudoir, art nude & erotic photographer who has also photographed several sex-positive festivals and am an experienced professional life model for art schools, artist groups & hens parties – comfortable in my skin!

Facilitator Bio

Julian Jayar is a Certified Somatic Sex Educator & Bodyworker presenting workshops at retreats and festivals around Australia and online.
Interested in how being better informed and more embodied can yield significant benefits for mental health, as an educator and speaker willing to share from personal experience, he is engaging and playfully willing to break the ice on topics that can feel awkward.
Julian is a professional member of the Somatic Sex Educators Association of Australia (SSEAA), Urban Tantra Graduate and co-author of Amazon best-seller “Wild Eros; The Power of Pleasure.”

Workshop 1 Name:

Giving as Taking; Orgasmic Service

# of participants:

5 - 60?

Workshop 1 duration:

90 Minute Workshop, 2 Hour Workshop

Equipment needed:

Cushions, gloves, hand sanitiser

Workshop 1's Intention:

• Slowed down, curiosity-lead exploration of giving
• Maximising pleasure through own mouth/hands while giving
• Taking energy on the Wheel of Consent
• Better understanding of anatomy & understanding of pleasure possible in body
• Reframing giving as service to innately pleasurable

Workshop 1 rough format:

An introductory somatic practice & icebreaker related to giving (TBC)
Beginning with a discussion about the difference between giving, receiving & taking, and exploring the relationship between giving and taking and how truly focused ‘giving’ can be reframed to take increased pleasure in parts of our bodies that tend to be less sensitive than what they maybe ‘giving’ pleasure to.

Review of practical/somatic tips & ideas to explore, setting the scene, importance of slowing down & curiosity, anatomy, spreading pleasure around another’s body…

Finishing with a practical component to explore in small groups (with discussion ensuring boundaries are clearly noted and understood)

Workshop 1 program description:

Giving pleasure to another can sometimes seem transactional; a favour being returned or done in expectation of reciprocation.
But what if ‘giving’ actually gives you pleasure?
That the parts of your body ‘giving’ themselves become aroused?
Or the pleasure you have giving becomes orgasmic, even a transcendental experience?
When giving becomes taking, pleasure becomes a chain reaction.

Workshop 2 Name:

Fear stripped bare - Feeling good naked

# of participants:

Between 10 & up to 80 – will depend on the size of the space

Workshop 2 duration:

90 Minute Workshop, 2 Hour Workshop

Equipment needed:

Potentially A/V if I was to use visual examples/slides? No other special equipment expected

Workshop 2's Intention:

• Reflect on their historical relationship with their body
• Reflect on their current relationship with their body
• Hearing range of other’s views, thoughts, relationships with their bodies
• Dispelling myths around beauty, media, being ‘photogenic’
• Taking the sting out of being seen
• Somatic curiosity of sensation and pleasure being unclothed
• Learn comfort in their own skin

Workshop 2 rough format:

An introductory somatic practice & icebreaker
An interactive discussion about our bodies, society, relationship between our mind & body, pervasive social myths (incl. genitals?)
A bit of background about my relationship with my body (and genitals??)
A transmission of a witnessed undressing ritual (with explanation during)
Moving into small group exercises of witnessed undressing (with boundaries discussion prior)
Time to debrief in the small groups
Post experience large group reflection on the experience

Workshop 2 program description:

Our bodies are different. Different sizes, heights, shapes, colours, ages – but so few of us seem to be happy with our bodies. Almost none of us want to be seen naked by anyone but our intimate partners - and even then, sometimes not even them!
Why is that? Why are some nipples taboo while others are fine exposed in public?
With body dysmorphia more widespread than ever, its time to look more closely at our relationship with our body, societal conditioning and learn to love it for the beautiful marvel that it is.

Workshop 3 Name:

Tropical Rainforest – A juicy forest experience

# of participants:

No real limit except size of space

Workshop 3 duration:

90 Minute Workshop, 2 Hour Workshop, Evening Experience

Equipment needed:

• Sound equipment for music, microphone for instruction/speaking during. Blindfolds? I have some, can bring if needed

Workshop 3's Intention:

• Experience receiving touch without agenda
• Playfully giving touch without agenda
• Consent & Boundary exercises, 101
• Exploring levels of comfort and engagement in receiving increasing forms of touch, with the consent language as the container evolves on subsequent rounds

Workshop 3 rough format:

Somatic opening game as ice breaker for group
Beginning with explanation of the way a Human Forest works
Explanation of boundaries, signals, how to express them, how to read them
First two rounds of Forest at most basic, simple and safe
Subsequent rounds with new variations on forms of non-verbal communication, different levels of touch and types of touch, areas of body open to touch, interaction relating to being able to see (or not), no blindfolds at all – and how to navigate each variation as giver or receiver
Regular feedback from participants between rounds, advice on how to sit out if potential edges reached
Group reflection at end
Mostly experiential play space

Workshop 3 program description:

This Human Forest experience is an ancient prehistoric forest under fast-tracked evolution: an experience allowing us to mindfully explore connection to self and others. A voyage opening with gentle self-discovery intertwined with conscious touch, finding strength in voicing desires, honouring our boundaries and enjoying increasingly juicy sensation play within a safe container. An embodied, immersive experience where consensual touch blooms like a new language, nurturing growth, understanding, connection and respect.

Are you interested in/able to facilitate any other group experiences?

I’ve run pre-play space boundaries, consent and connection warm up sessions before, I’ve been a pod leader of check-in circles at festivals/retreats that I’ve presented at. I’m also very interested to facilitate an ‘erotic bedtime stories’ / smut-slam kind of spoken word event at something like this – I remember something along this line at a festival I went to many years ago and thought it was a great way for people to get to know each other early on, creative and could be either incredibly erotic, hilarious, heartwarming or all at once!

EO: Support space / info booth:

Yes as needed

Is there anything else that you would like us to know as organisers?

I love the immersive festival experience!
Festivals/retreats are what started me on this path and I love being able to be actively involved presenting, creating and giving back. I hope the very broad range of offerings suggested here are helpful and always open to adjustments to suit the other offerings and format (incl. the 'bed time stories' option)

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